Friday, October 13, 2006

Apoohcalypse Now

I don't usually post links to the bullshit I find on the Interweb, but this was too good to pass up without being shared with my good friend(s) here in the blogosphere

Before you click the link, make sure you have seen Apocalypse Now or read Hearts of Darkness.
Preferably both.

Twisted, yet one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Using Winnie the Pooh to act out 'Apocalypse Now' is genius. They should have been able to find some clips with a steamboat, or a rowboat, though. It would have fit much better.

"The horror, the horror"

"Oh brother, Oh brother"

I may never be able to take Vietnam or Hearts of Darkness seriously again!


none said...

That movie gave me flashbacks.

Fuck! Back to the thorazine shuffle for me

Annette said...

Thought I'd let you know that I just changed my URL.

Visit by anytime.

Crashtest Comic said...

This is the funniest thing I ever saw dude.

Lexcen said...

BS.....hello.....are you there? you read me?....over....

southfield_2001 said...

Oh, the humour, the humour...

stumbled across your blog as a link from lex's. Glad I did, that was too funny.